
Thursday, March 10, 2016

Update: We are Home

We have finally made our way back home to Haiti after an amazing time away.  Jen and I enjoyed an EPIC trip to Israel and Rome while the kids got to visit with family and friends.  Our time away was jam packed, but so refreshing.  It’s amazing that Hands and Feet is so supportive of the missionary families' need & desire to step away for extended weeks throughout the year to recharge.  As we have returned home we wanted to connect and share some of the latest and greatest news and prayer request.  

As we get back to work we ask that you prayer for our teammates, Andrew & Angie Sutton, as they just had their 3rd baby girl.  Pray for a quick recovery for Angie and that their family can rest and cherish this new season of life.  

We are so grateful to have 2 great interns serving alongside us for a couple months.  Please pray for Jessica and Jasmine as they serve with us helping us with teams, helping with missionary kiddos and any other aspects of Haiti life that they can plug into.  Having interns is such a blessing to our family and to HAF and we are so grateful for their time.  

Please pray how you might help us connect with more people that may be interested in partnering with us and our journey in Haiti.  

Pray for our family over the coming weeks and months.  The team season is upon us and that means LOTS of people in and out of Haiti.  Please pray for strength, energy, grace and special time for our family to connect.  

Pray that the Lord would continue to stir and move the hearts of some families that are thinking of moving to Haiti to help us with the growing responsibilities of team hosting.  

The first group of the older transitional aged boys will be moving into their new home in the community in the coming weeks.  We are finalizing the work on the house and hope to have them set up in a couple weeks.  We all know change can be difficult, but we ask that you pray for peace and understanding that they see that sometimes growing pains are a good thing.  May their hearts and minds be filled with wisdom and knowledge that they need to continue down a successful path.

Please take a few minutes and watch an amazing video put together by the guys at Ride Nature.  They are an amazing organization that blessed our Gran Gwav campus at the end of January.  

Enjoy and thanks for following our journey! 

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