
Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Elephant in the Room

Earlier this week we had the opportunity to hang out with some family that we haven’t seen in a while.  It was a spirit-filled conversation about all that God has been doing in our lives and our journey to Haiti and their mission here in the States.   We enjoyed hearing all the good, bad and the uncertainties they had to say about ministry and missions, and of course during the conversation fundraising was brought up.  The how? The who? The when? The why? Etc.   Sean and I got that blank stare or deer in headlights look.  Why?  Because raising support is more intimidating then actually moving to Haiti; but they go hand in hand.

“And you can not be my disciple if you do not carry your own cross and follow me.”    Luke 14:27

See, I fall on the side of, “if this is of God and this is His plan for us then He will provide.”  Through prayer this week I have realized that God will provide for our family, that I am sure, but He requires the work of our hands.  So as we push our faith forward and our pride aside, we continue to take steps for God to reveal Himself in our mission.

Let me be real, I have pride issues and the last thing I want to do is ask you or anyone else for money.  It is hard to look someone in the eyes and pray that they will help support my family and ministry financially.  I mean, I was raised that you break your back and earn your keep.  Hard earned money comes from hard work.  Oh wait… there is that tug in my spirit, a small voice in my soul, I sense God telling me: “The support, yes, helps your family move forward in this mission, but ultimately they are supporting ME!  If others believe in ME and want to spread MY name through your organization I will call them forward and they will give from their hearts.”  Wow, really, I love the way God continues to be faithful, to put me under His wing and tell me He’s got this.  So refreshing that none of this is about us!

“Truly I tell you,” Jesus said to them, “no one who has left home or wife or brothers or sisters or parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of God will fail to receive many times as much in this age, and in the age to come eternal life.”   Luke 18:29-30

So this week as the enemy tries to creep in with fear of failure, we press on in faith.  We pray that God gives us the courage that we need and that in His name we throw out any evil attempts of the enemy to try and discourage us from this calling on our lives.  So, we move forward with plans to pack and move August 6.

We boldly ask that you pray!!  Ask the Lord if you are to be involved with our mission?  Ask Him if you are to give financially?  If yes, then ask for a specific amount, no amount is too small; God will bless what you faithfully give.   If God has your heart somewhere else to give, then that is great, we are not asking for you to take away from somewhere else.  But please keep us in your prayers.

To learn more about our mission as a home family follow this link:

To give to The Moore Home Family follow this link:

Thank you in advice for your support and faithful prayers.  May God bless you and your family!

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